Here you can find artcoworkers from all over Europe that have registered with artcoworkers-platform.
At ArtCoWORKers we combine art with inclusion. Due to the Corona pandemic, people with disabilities in particular were isolated. To prevent this from happening in the future, we teach artists the skills to develop online workshops that are accessible to people with disabilities.
The ArtCoWorkers project is carried out by partners from Erfurt and Berlin (Germany), Pécs (Hungary), Leiden (Netherlands) and Skopje (Macedonia).
The main objective of ArtCoWORKers is to identify, empower and train new skills that are essential in the context of inclusive and artistic work.
ArtCoWORKers innovation is about changing the role of artists to become a melting pot for diverse perspectives in their communities through a new way of working together that promotes inclusion.
In the ArtCoWORKers project we combine art with inclusion. We promote the development of key competences of artists in four European countries. For this purpose, we have developed a method, a training and education concept as well as the exchange platform.
We have created a variety of training materials for the ArtCoWorkers project, which we make available free of charge via the ArtCoWorkers platform.